Te invitamos a ser una parte más grande de nuestro trabajo uniéndote a nuestro Peace Team como colaborador mensual. Será parte integral de nuestro éxito continuo como un verdadero patrocinador de nuestro trabajo que cambia vidas y nos ayudará a salvar aún más animales. Seleccione su contribución mensual y proporcione información encriptada para asegurar su membresía.

Beneficios de ser miembro del Peace Team:

  • Saber que sus contribuciones están ayudando a PAN a salvar más vidas y ayudar a otros a ser activistas más efectivos en sus comunidades.
  • Invitaciones a eventos exclusivos.
  • Oportunidades de conocer lo que pasa en el PAN antes que los demás.

¡Únase a nosotros mientras cambiamos el mundo juntos! 

All of us at PAN thank you.

«I feel great being part of PAN’s Peace Team because of PAN’s effectiveness in helping nonvegans become vegans and vegans become activists. Having participated in their Vegan Activism Academy, I know first hand how dedicated the leadership is and how passionate they are in their mission. I believe in PAN with all my heart.»

Laura Randle, graduate of PAN’s very first Vegan Activist Academy.

«I am a part of the Peace Advocacy Network’s Peace Team because I strongly believe in the work they are doing! The free 30 day Vegan Pledge has changed my life and I want to pay it forward.»

Rhonda Craven, went vegan with PAN in 2016 and is a current volunteer.

“It is important to support PAN as a monthly donor so that it can continue its vital programming, such as the vegan pledge program, with the support necessary to keep it going. I am motivated to give because of PAN’s mission to promote and work towards a peaceful world for all.”

Carla Mariani, went vegan with PAN in 2010 during our very first Vegan Pledge Program, and is a current volunteer.

«The world is always going through some hardships. Whether it’s the war in Ukraine, injustice in America, or the horrors of factory farming worldwide, there seems to be no end… But through my donations to PAN, I can at least be assured that I am supporting someone who is working to make a positive difference in this world, and helping others do the same!»

Mark Greben, went vegan with PAN in 2021.