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Healty Eating for Stressful College Days

agosto 28, 2022 at 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT

College can be a stressful time, but diet is something students can control during a time of constant change.

Going vegan during college sounds difficult but the benefits are worth the challenge. Join us for “Healthy Eating for Stressful College Days,” a virtual event targeted towards college students who are interested in learning the positive benefits of going vegan and how they can make a change. The event will include a variety of speakers who will share their experiences being vegan in college; a Registered Dietician speaking on the health benefits of a vegan diet; and a cooking demonstration to introduce the audience to plant-based cooking.

Your pay-what-you-can suggested donation of $10 contributes directly to PAN’s efforts to build a peaceful existence through veganism, social justice, and respect for the Earth’s inhabitants and resources.

If you would like to register for this event via Venmo, please include your email address in your donation to @PeaceAdvocacy.



agosto 28, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT