Our Skills, Our Movement
Fall 2021 Panel
Fall 2021 Panel
The second panel in our Speaker Series, Our Skills, Our Movement: Using all talents for activism, was a diverse discussion featuring four panelists who are using their unique talents for the animals.
The panel was moderated by William Rivas-Rivas, director of Philanthropy at Animal Equality.
Rachel Atcheson is currently Deputy Strategist for Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, working on plant-based nutrition initiatives such as launching Bellevue Hospital’s Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine Program and expanding the resources available to Brooklyn residents who might benefit from access to information around plant-based nutrition.
Jo-Anne McArthur is an award-winning photojournalist, sought-after speaker, and the founder of We Animals Media. She has been documenting the plight of animals on all seven continents for almost two decades. She is the author of three books and was the subject of Canadian filmmaker Liz Marshall’s acclaimed documentary, «The Ghosts in Our Machine.»
Photo by Josée Van Wissen
Andrea Polanco holds an MSc in animal welfare science from the University of Guelph, where she is currently finishing her PhD on the welfare of laboratory monkeys. Her activism led her to discover the animal advocacy organization Faunalytics, where she volunteered as a science writer prior to starting her formal role as a Research Scientist.
Sha-Hanna Soaper has a Bachelor of General Studies with minors in Kinesiology and Fitness Instruction. She has a Master of Business Administration and a Technical Certificate in Business Administration. She is licensed in real estate, certified in personal training, and is a certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator. Her passions for veganism and experiences in education and diversity came together and inspired her to publish an early learner’s book, Let’s Groove and Count Your Food!