Fico Ferrer
Senior Manager Quality Assurance
Enjoys trikking, clay-making, creating music
"Going vegan is going to reduce your cholesterol over 50 points, rid you of sciatic nerve pain, improve your eye sight.."
Why did you go Vegan?
Because of the horrendous and exploitative impact the agro-animal industry has on the animals, it’s workers, and the environment.
What is your go-to breakfast when you are on the run?
A 32oz raw smoothie (it’s my breakfast regardless): power greens, fennel, yam, banana, strawberry, dates, beets, zucchini, flax seeds, almond milk, water…it may vary tho
What is your favorite vegan or accidentally-vegan dish at a restaurant?
Too many to say!! Anything at Sprig & Vine in New Hope, PA.
What is your favorite vegan dish to cook?
Rice and Beans a la Fico.
Tell us about a vegan recipe you tried to make but didn’t quite succeed (or failed entirely!)
Tempeh bacon. Bleh.
What are your five staple groceries?
Produce, produce, produce, Daya Cheese, Beyond Meat
Where do you get your protein?
Ha! Where do Elephants get theirs?
Because of the horrendous and exploitative impact the agro-animal industry has on the animals, it’s workers, and the environment.
What is your go-to breakfast when you are on the run?
A 32oz raw smoothie (it’s my breakfast regardless): power greens, fennel, yam, banana, strawberry, dates, beets, zucchini, flax seeds, almond milk, water…it may vary tho
What is your favorite vegan or accidentally-vegan dish at a restaurant?
Too many to say!! Anything at Sprig & Vine in New Hope, PA.
What is your favorite vegan dish to cook?
Rice and Beans a la Fico.
Tell us about a vegan recipe you tried to make but didn’t quite succeed (or failed entirely!)
Tempeh bacon. Bleh.
What are your five staple groceries?
Produce, produce, produce, Daya Cheese, Beyond Meat
Where do you get your protein?
Ha! Where do Elephants get theirs?
Do you live with any companion animals?
What one-sentence advice would you give your pre-vegan self?
Listen to me you dimwit, I am you – from the future – and if that’s not enough to believe me that going vegan is going to reduce your cholesterol over 50 points, rid you of sciatic nerve pain, improve your eye sight, not have heart burn or indigestion, then I don’t know what is! (it worked).
Share a favorite vegan hack with us (can be food, clothing, makeup, anything cruelty-free related).
Cashew based cheeze sauce for chips, veggies or macaroni.
What has been your favorite memory/moment with PAN?
Helping out during moments of unexpected technical complications (computers connectors are stupid).
What one-sentence advice would you give your pre-vegan self?
Listen to me you dimwit, I am you – from the future – and if that’s not enough to believe me that going vegan is going to reduce your cholesterol over 50 points, rid you of sciatic nerve pain, improve your eye sight, not have heart burn or indigestion, then I don’t know what is! (it worked).
Share a favorite vegan hack with us (can be food, clothing, makeup, anything cruelty-free related).
Cashew based cheeze sauce for chips, veggies or macaroni.
What has been your favorite memory/moment with PAN?
Helping out during moments of unexpected technical complications (computers connectors are stupid).