Get Involved with
Peace Advocacy Network!
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We need you!
There are a range of opportunities for you to get involved:
Join us as a Speaker
Sponsor a Vegan Pledge
Fundraising Opportunities
Raise Awareness
Featured speakers each week help and inspire our program members. Come and connect with our pledges and help them adjust to vegan living by telling them a little about your journey.
sponsor a vegan pledge
Sponsor a new vegan and save as many as 100 land animals per year and countless sea animals. A donation of any amount helps another person go vegan with us.
Do you have a vegan product you would like to get into hands of your target consumers? The PAN Vegan Pledge is a great way to get your product out to new vegans; the program is often the first exposure these individuals have to vegan products. Donating items for our care package (or coupons in lieu of perishable items) is a great way to help our pledges and get the word out about your product. Contact Elaine for more information about becoming a sponsor.Fundraising & Events
In addition to our Vegan Pledge Programs, PAN hosts events several times a year that include everything from pizza parties to Vegfests to magic shows. Follow us on Meetup or Facebook to participate in upcoming events!
Facebook Birthday Fundraisers are an excellent way to show your support for PAN, and we’ve even paired with local shops to offer goodies when you show them your fundraiser!
Raise Awareness
For folks who have engaged in some level of activism, here are some things you can do to mobilize and encourage others to make the world a better place.
- Go vegan! For help transitioning to veganism, sign up for a Vegan Pledge in your area.
- Consume fair-trade chocolate, coffee, and other foods
- Give food to hungry people
- Volunteer for Food Not Bombs, or another local agency that redistributes food to the hungry
- Donate new or lightly-used clothes to the nearest homeless or battered women/children shelter
- Choose one of these options for donating your used sneakers
- Summer produce harvest share (collect produce from neighbors and friends and redistribute to Food Not Bombs or other local groups that specializes in distributing food to the hungry)
- Assemble bags of food and snacks to distribute to homeless (can buy paper bags, loaves of bread, jars of peanut butter and jelly, and granola bars in bulk at warehouse store); this can be a “sandwich-making party” where you and a bunch of friends get together in someone’s kitchen or do it with your family; in just one hour, you could probably make about 50 sandwiches
- At your next birthday party, ask guests to bring items from one of the following categories:
- Toiletries, babies’ items for a local women/children’s shelter
- Clothes for homeless shelter
- Cat/dog food, paper towels, rags for animal shelter/rescue org
- Lightly worn or new business attire for Career Wardrobe or other similar org that enables persons to transition into the workforce
- Go vegan! For help transitioning to veganism, sign up for a Vegan Pledge in your area.
- Research the gardens in your city and volunteer to weed, seed, water, or plant
- Compost food wastes instead of discarding them
- Reduce your carbon footprint by doing any or all of the following:
- Take your bike instead of your car on your next trip
- Ride public transportation when you can
- Transition to a vegan diet
- Save water by:
- Running your dishwasher or laundry machines only when loads are full
- Time your showers with a clock; try to take the quickest shower possible
- Install more efficient shower heads and faucets
- Wash dishes, produce, and other items in water basin instead of under running water
- Repair all leaks (toilets, showers, faucets, etc)
- Buy organic, non-GMO foods
- Wear clothes made from organic fibers
- Reduce paper use by:
- Reusing calendar, magazine, or newspaper pages for wrapping paper
- Using the blank side of discarded printed documents for note-taking or coloring paper for children
- When given a gift, carefully opening so you can reuse the wrapping paper or gift bag for a subsequent gift
- Contacting vendors and request that they take your name/address off of their shipping lists; request email alerts instead
- Using cereal boxes for children’s art projects
- Gather friends and family for a Pick Up Party; go to nearby public area (park, woods, playground, city sidewalk) and pick up and discard litter; just bring plastic gloves and garbage bags
- Encourage your workplace to “go green” by:
- Recycling paper
- Offering perks (like discounted public transit card) to employees to use public transportation
- Sharing and storing digital documents rather than paper copies
- Where printing is unavoidable, using the double-sided printing option
- Encouraging employees to put computer in “standby” or “hibernation” mode when not being used for more than a designated amount of time
- Installing occupancy sensors so lights go off when no movement is detected
- Providing washable cups, plates, and utensils in lunchroom
- Gather your and others’ used household goods and other items and hold a garage sale to benefit PAN. You will be keeping used items out of landfills, reducing purchases of new items, and raising money for a great cause.
- ¡Vuélvete vegan! Para obtener ayuda transicionando al veganismo, inscríbete al Compromiso Vegano en tu área.
- No compres animales de criaderos o tiendas de mascotas, mejor…
- Adopta un animal de un refugio o una organización de rescate
- Evita zoológicos, acuarios, circos que utilicen animales, rodeos y cualquier otra entidad que explote animales.
- Conduce con cuidado: Ardillas, chimpances, gatos, perros y ciervos, en ocasiones, cruzan las calles sin mirar a ambos lados. Conduce a una velocidad considerable para evitarlos si se cruzan en tu camino.
- Aplica para la fundación VegFund para que puedas hacer divulgación vía videos o muestras de comida.
- Monta una mesa de preguntas veganas en algún evento local o tienda de supermercados.
- Organiza una venta de repostería vegana y dona las ganancias a tu organización de rescate animal cercana o alguna organización de divulgación vegana, puedes coordinarte con Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale (Venta de Repostería Vegana Mundial)
- Anfitriona una comida vegana estilo buffet e invita amistades no veganas y ofrece diversas recetas veganas para que las prueben.
- Haz Voluntariado en tu albergue animal local
- Ayuda a cuidar e involúcrate en el programa Trap Neuter Release (Atrapar Esterilizar Liberar) para gatos salvajes individuales o colonias
- Organiza un Programa de Compromiso Vegano a través de PAN
- Lidera una “Hora de Historias de Animales Felices” en tu biblioteca local y lee libros con mensaje vegano (V is for Vegan, Steven the Vegan, Vegan is Love, etc.)
- Lleva refrigerios veganos a tu trabajo para compartir con tus colegas.
- Habla con tu restaurante local favorito para que ofrezcan más opciones veganas en su menú
- Organiza protestas contra zoológicos, circos que usan animales y cualquier otra entidad que lucre con los animales