Vegan Pledge Mentor Sign-Up

As a Mentor, you play a very important role in the PAN Vegan Pledge Program. For many people, going vegan may be confusing, if not downright overwhelming. Pledges may feel alone and not know whom to turn to for help, and as a result, they may find their own efforts unfulfilled and eventually fall back to their old patterns. Experience has shown that those who have been mentored as part of a community have stayed vegan and are happier for it. PAN takes great pride in supporting others to go vegan with us.

As a PAN Mentor you promise to:

  • Be friendly with your pledge(s); help them out, answer questions, support their efforts, give them tips, provide direction, lend an ear, and offer advice.
  • Treat your pledges with respect.
  • Reassure your pledges if they “slip” by understanding mistakes without encouraging “cheats.”
  • Check in with your pledges at least once a week outside of the scheduled meetings.

By registering below you are agreeing to download the Mentor Toolkit here and read it in its entirety, following its guidelines, and abiding by the PAN principle of kindness, the abolition of animal cruelty, and the promotion of a happy, healthy vegan lifestyle.

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