Tips to Shop
Don’t forget the basics. You can never go wrong with fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh and seitan.
Learn to read ingredients over time. Many products are (quite helpfully) marked as vegan right on the packaging so you can skip ingredient reading. For those that are not, we can help you with an ingredient list that will tell you whether some of the trickier ones are vegan.
Check out the smartphone app “Is It Vegan?”
Don’t shop hungry!
sei-tan [sey-tan]
noun: a chewy, neutral-flavored, protein-rich food made of wheat gluten, used as a meat substitute in vegan and vegetarian dishes.
tem-peh [tem-pey]
noun: a fermented soybean cake high in protein.
tofu [toh-foo]
noun: a soft, bland, white cheeselike food, high in protein content, made from curdled soybean milk used in Asian, vegan and vegetarian cookery.